
Introduction to Pallets

In the Substrate ecosystem, a pallet refers to a distinct, reusable piece of code which contributes a specific piece of functionality to a runtime. Think of pallets as modules that are utilized to construct Substrate-based blockchains. The Tangle Network, like any Substrate-based chain, employs a variety of these pallets to accomplish the network's overall functionalities.

The repository of each pallet consists of a set of related functionalities, which collectively contribute to the overall operation of the Substrate runtime. From managing balances and transaction fees to handling governance and staking processes, pallets essentially serve as the backbone of the Substrate infrastructure.

The flexibility and modularity of Substrate pallets contribute significantly to the customization and upgradeability of the Tangle Network. They provide for easy runtime upgrades without needing to fork the entire network, ensuring a seamless evolution of the network's capabilities.

Amongst the Substrate standard pallets, Tangle Network also incorporates several custom pallets specifically tailored to meet its unique requirements. These custom pallets encapsulate Tangle Network's unique features and functions that extend beyond the conventional Substrate offerings.

Just as with precompiles, these custom pallets can be interacted with through familiar interfaces, this time using the Substrate API. This ensures that developers can make the most out of the rich functionalities offered by the Tangle Network without having to navigate through the complex underlying logic of the pallets themselves.

In essence, pallets form the building blocks of the Tangle Network, contributing to its robustness, customization, and scalability. The beauty of this modular architecture lies in its adaptability and expandability, allowing the Tangle Network to continuously grow and adapt to meet the changing needs of its community.